This page collects project outputs in multiple languages and formats, which we hope can be useful to community supported agriculture and other collectives, movements, organizations, and their networks. These outputs, which include workshop toolkits, advisory reports and short guides, are distinct from scientific publications (which can be found here), because they are of more practical use to inform action and supporting collective reflexive processes. The page also collects written and audio/video dissemination outputs through which we translate some of the scientific concepts and notions into a non-technical, hence more accessible language than that of scientific publications.
We welcome your feedback! Have you used any of the resources below? Please let us know in which context you used them and if and in which way you have found them useful for your collective, movement or organization by filling this form. Thank you!
We welcome your feedback! Have you used any of the resources above? Please let us know in which context you used them and if and in which way you have found them useful for your collective, movement or organization by filling this form. Thank you!