UNMAKING: a research programme on the disruption of capitalism in societal transformation to sustainability

Resources for collective reflections on creating, maintaining and enforcing a shared collective identity in grassroots networks

Leaflet on how Community Supported Agriculture networks can position themselves by creating, maintaining and enforcing a shared collective identity (in English, German and Italian)

Drawing boundaries: How Community Supported Agriculture networks can position themselves by creating, maintaining and enforcing a shared collective identity. Download the document here.
Grenzen ziehen: Wie sich CSA Netzwerke positionieren können, indem sie eine gemeinsame Identität schaffen, erhalten und durchsetzen. Laden Sie das Dokument hier herunter.
Marcare i propri confini: In che modo le reti CSA possono posizionarsi mediante la creazione, il mantenimento e rispetto di un’identità collettiva condivisa. Scaricate qui il documento.

Academic reference: Guerrero Lara, Feola, G., Driessen, P., 2024. Drawing Boundaries: Negotiating a Collective ‘We’ in Community-Supported Agriculture Networks . Journal of Rural Studies 106, 103197.

We welcome your feedback! Have you used any of the resources above? Please let us know in which context you used them and if and in which way you have found them useful for your collective, movement or organization by filling this form. Thank you!