UNMAKING: a research programme on the disruption of capitalism in societal transformation to sustainability


Jacob Smessaert and Julia Spanier give workshop at Food Autonomy Festival

On 12 June Jacob Smessaert and Julia Spanier gave a workshop on ‘Envisioning Food systems for Degrowth‘ at ASEED’s Food Autonomy Festival, which was held in Amsterdam, Utrecht and Wageningen. The workshop took place in Utrecht.

Envisioning Food Systems for Degrowth

This workshop invites participants to explore how food production, distribution and consumption may be oriented towards degrowth: a planned and equitable downscaling of our economy to ensure a healthy planet, while maintaining sustainable livelihoods. We collectively imagine what type of values, relations and practices should be central in future food systems for a degrowth society and strategize which changes are needed to arrive at these food systems. We thereby pay particular attention to the structural constraints that our current growth-based society poses to these changes: How can we overcome these constraints? How can we unmake them?