UNMAKING: a research programme on the disruption of capitalism in societal transformation to sustainability


Giuseppe Feola presents at the conference of the European Society of Ecological Economics

19 June 2019. Giuseppe Feola presented the paper: Polyhedric degrowth: On the prospect of a degrowth transformation at the 13th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics in Turku, Finland. Abstract Degrowth proposes a project of radical socioecological transformation. Yet, the degrowth scholarship has overall under-researched the socio-political conditions for a degrowth transformation. This…

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New publication: Capitalism in sustainability transition research: Time for a critical turn?

We have published the first publication of this research programme! Feola, G. (In press). Capitalism in sustainability transitions research: Time for a critical turn? Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. DOI: 10.1016/j.eist.2019.02.005 [open access] This article argues that sustainability transition research (STR) has failed to engage in any significant analyses or critiques of capitalism. This article argues that capitalism is not…

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Giuseppe Feola presents at Leverage Points 2019 conference

06 February 2019. Giuseppe Feola presented the paper: Breaking out! Five propositions on the deliberate unmaking of unsustainable socioecological systems at the Leverage Points 2019 conference in Lüneburg, Germany. Abstract Societal sustainability transformations imply a disruption of modern, capitalist socioecological relations that inform destructive modes of interaction with the natural environment. Radical civil society initiatives may hold…

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